Sambandh India

Healthcare Programme

Healthcare Programme

A Maternity Waiting Home (MWH) is a residential facility located near the delivery point, where “high-risk” pregnant women stay for delivery. It is an effective means to “bridge the geographical gap” and  reduce out- of pocket expenditures. The institute provides limited accommodation with food to the expecting mothers and attendants. Medical care is provided round the clock with the provision of a transfer facility to the delivering hospital. It is generally run in partnership mode in the vulnerable areas
with low institutional delivery.

Healthcare Movement

  • To establish an alternative support infrastructure for addressing communication problems in difficult and inaccessible pockets to ensure institutional delivery.
  • To increase institutional delivery in difficult and inaccessible areas, with the goal of reducing maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity.

Be a Changer Maker

  •  Project implementation via PPP mode .
  • Each project is assigned one ANM coordinator and three lady health assistants, and one cook-cum attendant.
  • One accommodation facility for expectant mothers and their escorts.
  • Recreational amenities such as a TV and a music player are available at the Maternity Waiting Home.