Sambandh India


Renewable energy (Solar) for mitigating Global Warming and reducing carbon emissions through lighting, irrigation and various income generation activities

Climate Change and Global Warming issues are global concerns. We give top priority to this issues through reducing carbon emissions in our approaches, using renewable energy resources for livelihood sustainability and providing knowledge and skills to the community to adapt various climate change measures. To strengthen this process we have established SMUs (Solar Multi Utility Units) for electricity generation as well as livelihood promotion. We have also provided Solar Lights for home lighting as well as street lighting. We were a part of LaBL (Lighting a Billion Lives) initiative. We have provided Solar surface as well as submersible pumps for irrigation purpose to minimize the carbon emission in agriculture. We are also promoting hand pumps for agriculture which will reduce the dependency on fossil fuel through various projects. This program promotes renewable energy in rural areas and attempts to mitigate global warming issues by reducing carbon provides knowledge and skills to the community to adapt to various changes in the climatic condition in Odisha. Few other initiatives are solar irrigation , cooling chambers , promoting smokeless chulha , solar street lighting .