Sambandh India


Plantation with perennials to minimize greenhouse emissions (Orchard and Agro-forestry Promotion

ABHIPSA is an environment friendly initiative of SAMBANDH for the promotion of Horticulture Orchard with adoption of Soil Conservation Measures, Water Resources Development and measures to improve the quality of lives.

Our project related interventions are classified into the following .

Our project related interventions are classified into the following

categories, i.e.;

  1. Orchard development (fruit/ plantation/herbal crops & forest plants) as the core component ‘
  1. Soil conservation in the project areas.
  2. Water resources management (conservation and use)
  3. Sustainable agriculture.
  4. Human resource development (community development)
  5. Women development – A special emphasis is given for involvement of women in all spheres of the programme. The components include drudgery reduction measures, on-farm and nonfarm income generating activities and self help groups for inculcating thrift and credit habits.
  6. Community Health
  7. Micro-enterprises for landless people
  8. Processing & marketing
  9. Other auxiliary components to dovetail with above activities\